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Ever since I discovered the Swift Charts framework, I wanted to make an app to visualize election polls. Why election polls specifically? Who knows, might have something to do with me being a terminally online Twitter user or...yeah.

What does it do?

PollMaker is just what you think. It lets you make your own polls with your own parties, see results and track turnout changes over time. You could achieve the same with Excel or some other spreadsheet program, but let's be honest, who likes using Excel. You're not a nerd 🤓, are you?

Main poll table window Poll inspector/display window Polling history window
How is it made?

To make PollMaker, I decided to use the SwiftUI framework in conjunction with SwiftData because it provides the smoothest (and easiest) developer experience. All charts in the app are drawn by the aforementioned Swift Charts framework. Finally, everything is held together by Observation, which ensures data flow between views (most of the time).

There is also a tiny bit of AppKit code, but only to provide a nicer color picker component than the stock SwiftUI one (using NSColorWell's minimal style).

  • macOS 15
  • Intel or Apple Silicon based Mac
  • luck
Why is it one word?

Because I called the Xcode project "PollMaker" which made the executable named the same. No deeper meaning behind it.

Where can I get it?

Currently the app is very much a work-in-progress, so to avoid making a release for every tiny change, the best way to run it now is to just compile it yourself.

Source code is on GitLab.